
Podcast: Discussing Sega Rally Documentary with Nick from Pandamonium

I just had the pleasure of doing an audio-only podcast with Nick from PandaMonium Reviews, to discuss his latest epic documentary about Sega Rally.  We discussed what goes into making a four hour, forty minute production, as well as how he gets his game footage and some other fun moments about the documentary, game and history of Sega at the time.  If you’re into “behind the scenes” stuff – especially if you’re a fellow creator – this is a fun one to listen to.  To listen, simply search any podcast app for “RetroRGB Pandamonium” and you’ll get both this and the previous podcast we did.  More info after the links:

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UPDATE:  It looks like Nick also did a podcast with Dave from the Shiro crew, as well as The Sega Guys.  I couldn’t think of a more fitting group of people to have a chat about this, so I strongly recommend giving that a listen too.  Cause let’s be honest, there’s no such thing as too much Panda:

If you’d like to try these games, here’s a bunch of links to get you started.  Original hardware purists will be happy to know the original Saturn version of the game is still very cheap and readily available on eBay.  Here’s a paid affiliate link:  Unfortunately, the “Plus” or “Netlink” versions of the game are more expensive;  We discuss the differences in the podcast:  The PS2 version is interesting and I’d like to take a closer look at it, however it also seems to be selling for a lot:  And of course, you could always try to get an original arcade version.  If you do, just know that I’m jealous ;p

Most of us would probably be most interested in trying the original arcade version via emulation.  The Model 2 emulator is an excellent way to start, with tons of options:

I also found a pre-configured version that might be easier, however the site requires a login to access it, so I didn’t bother.  Maybe it’ll be a good option if you’re willing to sign up?:

Fans of rally racing might be interested in these links that Nick found.  First, is a YouTube channel dedicated to digitizing and archiving all the older rally footage they can find.  It’s a really great resource and Nick used some footage in his video (with proper credit!):

…and for the hardcore rally fan, here’s a site with all the results of every race and driver they could find:

If you’d like to hear more from Nick, please check out the original podcast we did below.  And of course, here’s a link to the incredible Rally documentary:

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